Multispecies Tool

The multi-species tool is designed to help in choosing the most suitable herb and flower species for your mixed sward. It takes into account geographical location along with prevalent climate and soil conditions in order to indicate the range of species that will be most appropriate.

The choice of grass species used for the mixture will be dependent on the end use of the sward. Productivity is obviously a requirement, but an over-productive grass species can out-compete the sown flower species, particularly where soil fertility is high.

Therefore it is advisable to include some of the less vigorous grass species:

  • Meadow fescue is tolerant of wetter soil conditions
  • Tall fescue is deep rooting and tolerates dry soil conditions
  • Cocksfoot shows good drought tolerance
  • Browntop bent is tolerant of cool climatic conditions as well as more acidic soils
  • Red fescue species are relatively tolerant of higher salinity environments, such as on coastal sites

Further advice on grass choice can be obtained by contacting FAS Advice;

Please click a point on the map and then use the dropdowns below to input data into the app. When you have finished, click Get Info and a table of recommended species will appear below.

Tip: Zoom in on the map to select your desired location more precisely